Saturday, March 29, 2008

Fuck George Bush!

So I just returned home from the movies.  Decided to see that new movie, "Stop Loss", which tells about how soldiers, who bravely, and without hesitation, fight in this stupid war, to defend our freedom, and then get re-enlisted, or Stop Lossed, after already fulfilling their contract.  It disgusts me to know that I live in a country who would so blatantly lie to the same people who volunteer their lives to defend it.  We were lied to about 9-11, lied to about Iraq, lied to about Afghanistan, but I draw the line here.  I will not participate in a government who deceives and forces it's voluntary military personnel,  back into combat, after they have served their country.  So a big fuck you goes out to G. H.W. B. and all the rest of you fascist's who are running this country into the ground.  And to all those people who died at the hands of our government both on 9-11 and in this senseless war, my heart and apologies go out to you for what my country has done to you and yours.
SEEK THE TRUTH. And on YouTube-Loose Change Vol 2.  Watch in horror and learn the truth.

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